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"I'm not going for any name, so stop dodging the question."
Sgäile covered the walnut oil and got up to tuck the jar into his pack. He
stared a long while through the darkening forest before looking down at
"You are half-blooded. None but my people go to Roise Chârmune& and the
Was that it? Leesil sighed. "So they reject me, and I go back. I'll find some
other way to get Magiere and my mother away from your people."
"You must first gain hallowed ground before the ancestors accept or reject
your plea."
As much as Leesil preferred Sgäile over the rest, there were moments when
he'd had enough.
"Oh, dead deities!" Leesil got up, weary of cryptic answers. "Just say what
you mean for once."
Sgäile's jaw twitched. "I would tell you more if I knew. But unless you reach
hallowed ground& I do not believe you will come back."
Wynn sat on the floor trying to jot down the day's events. From the customs
and proceedings to what she remembered of clan distinctions, she scribbled out
everything that came to her. Later, when more time permitted, she would rework
it into something comprehensible.
Magiere halfheartedly groomed Chap's long fur but kept glancing toward the
curtained doorway. Chap lay with his head on his paws. Wynn could think of no
words of comfort for either of them.
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She was thankful for the strange quill gifted her by Gleann. The bulbed grip
above its silver-white head was awkward in her small hand, but in her rush,
she did not have to stop as often to replenish its ink.
The doorway drape swung aside, and Leanâlhâm peeked in. "May we enter?"
"Yes, please," Magiere answered, and paused in grooming as Chap lifted his
head. "Who's with you?"
"Osha," Leanâlhâm said. "No one but your advocate may see you without a
Leanâlhâm carried in a tray of grilled trout with wild onions and two
steaming mugs. She held a canvas bag tucked under one arm. Wynn smelled tea
mingling with the scent of food. Osha stepped in behind the girl and set down
a bowl of water for Chap.
Osha eyed both Wynn and Magiere, as if uncomfortable with his formal role
here. Or perhaps like others who had been in Nein'a's clearing, he believed
Magiere some monster of the dead and did not care for close proximity. Either
way, Wynn had no patience for it.
Leanâlhâm set down the tray and dropped to the floor before Magiere and Chap.
The girl reached slowly for Chap's head. Before her touch landed, he flicked
his tongue through her fingertips. She let out a startled, giggling gasp and
then looked back at Osha, who fidgeted nervously.
"Oh, please," Leanâlhâm said in Elvish. "They have been alone all day. It is
impolite to deliver their supper and just leave."
Osha's mouth fell open and then closed again with the barest grunt. His
gray-green cloak was slightly askew on his shoulders. He crouched by the
doorway and looked at Wynn.
"How do you fare?" he asked.
"I am all right," she answered and set down her quill. "Though it would be
more polite to speak Belaskian among those who do not understand your
language. And you need the practice."
Osha was caught somewhere between embarrassment and confusion at her tone. Or
perhaps he had had enough of being chided. Wynn sighed, rolled her eyes, and
forced a smile.
He relaxed sheepishly, realizing she jested. When his gaze flicked to
Magiere, that hint of a smile vanished. Leanâlhâm showed no such concern.
"Sgäilsheilleache will keep Léshil safe," she said.
Magiere nodded. "Thanks& it's good of you to come."
"Do not worry," Leanâlhâm continued. "No matter what they face,
Sgäilsheilleache never fails. Brot'ân'duivé and Grandfather will do the rest,
and you will soon be free."
Osha grew uncomfortable. He understood enough of what was said, and shared
another doubtful glance with Wynn.
Leanâlhâm's words rolled in Wynn's head. This was the second time she had
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noted some casual connection between Gleann and Brot'an. Poor Leanâlhâm was as
blind as Leesil, if she thought these proceedings would end any time soon no
matter this quest's outcome. Whatever Fréth and Most Aged Father would throw
at Magiere, it would be unexpected and ugly.
Wynn took the mug of tea the girl offered her. "How did Gleann arrive so
quickly? It took us nearly eight days to reach Crijheâiche."
"Grandfather said that he left shortly after we did, but he did not tell me
why." For the first time, Leanâlhâm hesitated and then leaned forward. "But he
has the faith of our clan and our other elders. His vote will be counted, and
his voice will be heard."
A simplistic view, judging by what Wynn fathomed so far.
"You should eat," Osha said, "and we should not talk of the gathering."
"Yes, Osha," Leanâlhâm answered, and did nothing to hide her exasperation.
She served trout and onions onto polished wood plates, and the savory aroma
grew each time she portioned the fish.
"Here," she said, placing one plate before Chap. "A whole boned fish just for
Chap's tail switched the floor twice as he sniffed.
Wynn was glad to see his interest. Since facing down his kin, for her life,
he had been so withdrawn.
Leanâlhâm pulled an oblong tawny box from the canvas bag, its top stained in
light and dark squares.
"I brought a game we call Dreug'an. It will help pass the time."
"Dreug'an?" Osha coughed out, well past uncomfortable, and stumbled in his
Belaskian. "Sgailsheilieache question where come from. He think me lax in
Leanâlhâm ignored him and removed small white and black river stones from a
drawer in the box's side. "He will know exactly where it came from. It belongs
to him. Grandfather brought it for me."
Osha's dark skin seemed to pale as he sagged. Then Brot'an ducked through the
doorway curtain, startling everyone.
Magiere's expression hardened. She dropped her plate, and the two-tined fork
clattered on it. Before she snapped a word at him, Brot'an pulled the curtain
aside again. His silver hair glowed with the darkness behind him.
"I will speak with Magiere alone. Osha, you will attend Wynn outside.
Leanâlhâm, return to your quarters."
Osha immediately got to his feet.
Wynn did not like having only Osha as a familiar face to look upon among the
guards outside. As much as this tree was little more than a prison, it did [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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