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them, jñän vij än - hit . J än means to know, and vijïän means to apply thls
knowledge ln practlcal llfe. Jñän vijñän - hit . So we must know the vijñän ,
how to practlcally apply thls knowledge. Thls was taught by the Gosvämls.
Lec, NOD Bombay, 73
4. That ls my programme. So we should not slmply publlsh these books for readlng by
outslders, but our students must be well versed ln all of our books so that we can be
prepared to defeat all opposlng partles ln the matter of self-reallsatlon.
Letter, Hamsaduta, Los AngeIes, 3 December 1968
4. Wlth these examlnatlons I wlsh to encourage all my dlsclples to very carefully learn
thls phllosophy of Krlshna Consclousness because there ls so many preachers who
wlll be requlred to brlng thls message to all corners of the earth.
Letter, Mahapurusa, Los AngeIes, 7 February 1969
5. You are experlenclng some doubts ...To clear up these thlngs the best remedy ls to
regularly dlscuss amongst yourselves ln classes all our books. Then these doubts wlll
be kllled. Wlthout readlng books, lt becomes hackneyed and such obnoxlous ldeas
trouble us. Our thoughts are always changlng; that ls the nature of the mlnd. So you
cannot expect that even great salntly persons are free from thoughts, comlng and
golng. But after thlnklng there ls feellng and wllllng wllllng belng the stage of puttlng
thoughts lnto actlon. So lf we are able to employ our lntelllgence, then we destroy the
thoughts before they become manlfest ln actlvlty. Because we are so much lncllned to
enjoy unlntelllgently, we therefore have to dally sharpen our lntelllgence faculty by
readlng and dlscusslng and by preachlng to others.
Letter, Satyabhma, Mayapur, 1972
5. Whatever the case, we must have falth ln the word of Krsna. When we purchase a
tlcket on Pan Amerlcan or Alr Indla, we have falth that that company wlll take us to our
destlnatlon. Falth ls created because the company ls authorlsed. Our falth should not
be bllnd; therefore we should accept that whlch ls recognlsed.
Lec, Bhagavad-gIta 8.21-22, New York, November 19, 1966
5. j äna vlj äna ästlkyam, ästlkyam means full falth ln the aätras and ln God. That ls
called ästlkyam. If you have full falth ln the revealed scrlptures, then you are ästlkyam.
Because you cannot manufacture your God, or a so-called lncarnatlon God. No. You
must have full knowledge of God through the authorlty of revealed scrlptures.
Lec, SB 1.16.20, Hawall, January 16, 1974
6. What Krlshna sald forty mllllons of years ago, or flve thousand years ago, ls also
correct today. That ls aästra. Not that So many years have passed and lt has become
old. Now let us reform lt and put lt lnto new way. No. You can put the same thlng ln a
new way, but you cannot change the prlnclple.
Lec, SB 5.6.8 V ndvana, 30 November 1976
6. But falth should not be bllnd. Bllnd falth ls useless. Now we have already dlscussed
that one should go to the splrltual master wlth surrender, lnqulry and servlce three
thlngs. Flrst of all, for acqulrlng knowledge we have to flnd out the sultable person, and
lf we are fortunate enough to do that, then the flrst thlng ls to surrender. And after that
surrender, there are questlons. One must be very lntelllgent to put questlons to the
splrltual master. Wlthout questlons you cannot make progress. So bllnd falth ls never
requlred, nor should questlons be ln a mood of challenge ... Questlons or answers
should be just to understand. And that should be accompanled wlth servlce. Thls ls the
correct mood. Lec, BG 4.39 5.3 New York 24th August 1966
7. The Bhägavad-g)tä ls spoken by the Lord so that human soclety can be perfectly
organlzed from all angles of vlslon polltlcally, soclally, economlcally, phllosophlcally
and rellglously. From any polnt of vlew, human soclety can be reformed by the K a
consclousness movement; CC Mad 19.167
7. Nor lt ls posslble that everyone should become a brähmana. It ls not such an easy
thlng. But a class of brähmanas must be malntalned ... to glve councll to the ksatrlyas.
Conv Hyderabad 22th August 1976
8. You have to analyse that "Flrst of all, I am promlnent by my senses. My body means
my senses. But the senses are useless unless there ls the mlnd." Indriy hy h r
n . If your mlnd ls not ln order, your senses cannot act. Therefore mlnd ls superlor
to the senses, and the mlnd cannot act lf you have no lntelllgence. So n tu
r uddhi . And lf you can go beyond the lntelllgence, then you can flnd out about
the soul. So lt requlres study. It requlres educatlon. The educatlon ls there. The books
are there. The teachers are there. Lec, SB 2.3.20 Bombay 1977
8. Although K a advlsed Arjuna, Klll hlm, Arjuna dld not llke lt ... Thls ls
consclousness. Even though there ls duty, we have to see what wlll be the effect of
that duty. Nothlng should be done bllndly. Thls ls the nature of a devotee.
Lec, SB 1.7.40
9. One should therefore avold observlng a pure devotee externally, but should try to see
the lnternal features and understand how he ls engaged ln the transcendental lovlng
servlce of the Lord. In thls way one can avold seelng the pure devotee from a materlal
polnt of vlew ... NOD Text 6, purp
9. As the Supreme Personallty of Godhead comes down upon thls earth to reestabllsh
the prlnclples of rellglon, so Hls representatlve, the splrltual master, also comes to
reestabllsh rellglous prlnclples. It ls the duty of the dlsclples to take charge of the
mlsslon of the splrltual master and execute lt properly. SB 4.28.50 purport
9. Everythlng ls full of sense and loglc, and the exchange of vlews between the master
and dlsclple ls posslble only when the receptlon ls submlsslve and real. In the
Caltanya-ca tam ta lt ls sald that one should recelve the teachlng of Lord Caltanya
wlth lntellect and full senses so that one can loglcally understand the great mlsslon.
Lec, Bombay, 24 March 1977
9. In concluslon, lf a dlsclple ls very serlous to execute the mlsslon of the splrltual master,
he lmmedlately assoclates wlth the Supreme Personallty of Godhead by väni or vä ü.
Thls ls the only secret of success ln seelng the Supreme Personallty of Godhead.
Instead of belng eager to see the Lord ln some bush of V ndävana whlle at the same
tlme engaglng ln sense gratlflcatlon, lf one lnstead stlcks to the prlnclple of followlng
the words of the splrltual master, he wlll see the Supreme Lord wlthout dlfflculty.
SB 4.28.51
10. For learnlng Vedlc knowledge, one must approach a person who ls cent percent
engaged ln devotlonal servlce. He must not do thlngs that are forbldden ln the aästras.
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